Monday, November 19, 2012


Why do I stand up? Am I in denial about my status? I have no means to fly and have no sense to walk, so I must crawl. But like every arrogant person I want to walk without knowing how. I should be amongst the crawlers, not caring about the dirt and grime as long as I get to the destination.

And yet, I'm not so sure about this destination. In my vision I see crawlers being herded by walkers who are supervised by flyers. They herd the crawlers to a volcanic pit. The crawlers care not until the last moment. They become emboldened by the closeness to the destination and push forward those crawlers ahead who can see the pit, but can no longer turn around. I'm in a wasteland where crawlers are fuel. People like me are used without mercy to appease the volcano. To what end, I don't know for certain. Quite possibly it has to do with the fliers. They climb the mountain, jump and fly. They can do this because the mountain will not erupt while the lava is kept busy with crawlers. Walkers await their turn to be called to the mountain.

 Is there no place I can run? Can I run? The other crawlers will soon trip me if I don't get out from amongst them. My part of the line is frozen due to a bottleneck ahead. I wind my way through the living, breathing creatures I used to identify with. Is there a side I can reach to get out of line? I panic. There seems to be now way out, so I just keep walking, perpendicular to those around me. My legs are fueled by my need to get away.

Gray. Nothing but gray everywhere except the pit. Silence everywhere except the pit. Where are the trees and wildlife I remembered as a child? Were they a lie? Why has everything become gray around me? How did I not notice? Just keep walking. Gotta get out of here!

I feel as though I've walked my entire life already when I see another walker. I must be close to the edge of the line. The walker kicks several crawlers in place and does not notice me. His job is to watch the crawlers and listen for his turn on the mountain. I see many scars healed over incorrectly, but keep moving. I have to get out and I'm almost there.

I walk for what feels like years when I realize the crawlers are scarcer. I can see the ground. It's nothing more than dust, but I can see it. I'm encouraged to keep walking and it isn't long until I can see an entire horizon that is only earth. It's very empty out there, but it has to be better than where I've come from. Maybe I'll find others like me.

Nothing to do now but keep walking and looking.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Princess

How do they tell the tales of old,
That we have grown to love?
How do they start their stories out,
And get aid from above?

Many stories have started out,
With a warrior's cry.
Others begin with a whisper,
To warn taht one will die.

But I offer to those who hear,
An unusual tale.
No god, demon, or muse will own
Up to any detail.

The Fair Folk do not speak of it,
Mankind was never taught.
The animals cannot speak it.
The Devil can't be bought.

But she sought out to tell her tale,
Banned from life, though she was.
And she found a willing writer,
Who would take up her cause.

Now if you do not understand,
The world this story shows,
Worry not. Your comprehension
Goes up as your fear grows.

She was a princess at one time,
A title that was earned.
A class below Queen and Emp'ress,
As they made sure you learned.

Class was not a birthright to them,
They had earned them through might.
Only through bettering oneself,
Did one gain new class right.

All infants were treated the same,
Taken to first class lands.
Everyone starts at the same class,
Everyone understands.

Only those who sought better lives,
Were allowed to have them.
Education was something earned,
As ev'ry coin and gem.

The upper classes tormented,
For they had earned the right.
Ev'ry rise came with great struggle,
Ev'ry step was a fight.

The system developed hatred,
In all against others.
The pawns resented the High Kings,
 Kings saw them as bothers.

If one sought to improve themselves,
Trials came from all 'round.
Lows hurt that you wanted to leave,
Highs trying to confound.

She struggled all her life to climb,
Unable to find peace.
She hated being looked down on,
Fellows never gave ease.

She saw others become docile,
And give up on their climbs.
She vowed that she would never stop,
O'er a thousand lifetimes.

She earned the title of Princess,
After several years.
She was given new influence,
In the cultural spheres.

She tried for sev'ral years
To earn a greater class.
But found she could never succeed,
For she didn't have the brass.

In order to become a Queen,
She would have to cause harm.
The Lows would have to fear her name,
And not swoon to her charm.

In all of her years of climbing,
She never hurt a soul.
Causing pain was not who she was,
It left a gaping hole.

When she failed to prove malicious,
She was thought a lost cause.
They cast her out of the high class,
And into the low's jaws.

The lows thought she was elitist
For trying to climb high.
She was not qualified for work,
And she had no ally.

 She went back to childhood level,
To try to start again.
Ev'ryone teased and taunted her,
Immune to her clear pain.

Countless times the Princess did climb,
Only to fall once more.
They thought for sure she was insane,
Could she not see the score?

The Princess thought herself insane,
And could not find the cause.
Was she simply born defective,
Why did she fail the laws?

She was pondering this one day,
When she was asked for help.
A man wanted her opinion,
And wasn't good with self-help.

He did not laugh at or mock her,
And listened with earnest.
He did not care about her past,
Or that she was tarnished.

They began to talk for some time,
Liking the company.
The man got the Princess to laugh,
She did abundantly.

Their love quickly grew strong as steel,
The Princess felt at peace.
He had followed her path before,
And gave her life new lease.

He could have risen in the ranks,
But chose a simpler life.
He did not ask much of the world,
And it gave back li'l strife.

Her life could be whate'er she chose,
And he would support her.
Their love was not bound by classes,
Only by the other.

The Princess still felt her old drive,
To gain a higher class.
The Man gave her support and love,
With each test she did pass.

He was also there when she failed,
And gave her much comfort.
He was a solid foundation,
Forever her cohort.

She reached the high levels again,
And given the pain test.
But instead of granting suf'ring,
She made people feel blessed.

When the higher ups threatened her,
With expulsion again,
She burst forth with laughter at them,
That they could not contain.

She did not need their approval
Of her Princess title.
She had someone who made her feel
It was not that vital.

For with the man she loved she knew,
That she would always be,
A true Princess in heart and mind,
And it would be strings free.

She gave the title of Princess
New meaning in the lands.
For instead of brutality,
She gave out helping hands.

From all sides the enemies came,
But she could remain strong.
He would always be there for her,
And never treat her wrong.

He became her strong foundation,
Together unrestrained.
They did not care for social laws,
And thus much love was gained.

The classes hid away her tale
To keep the status quo.
Their power came from in-fighting,
With her this was not so.

The power of the Princess comes
From peace and harmony.
It had nothing to do with class,
Resources or money.

So please remember dear list'ner,
Pain only goes so far.
Love will carry you much further,
When you be who you are.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Mystery of Minako

Minako's family had fallen from the ranks of nobility. Her father had gambled away all of their assets and was now deeply in debt. Her mother did not have the ability to think on her own and was doomed to fall with them. Her brothers had been sent away to war. If they could prove themselves in battle, perhaps they would restore honor to the family. But that did not solve the immediate problem; Asmita. He was here to collect on her father's debts and he had nothing to give, except for Minako.

Minako was given to Asmita to pay for her father's debts. She would be a slave in his household until he grew tired of her. But before they left, Asmita wanted to prove to Minako's father who was in charge. He raped her in front of her parents, causing all three to cry. Minako felt true pain, true anger, true fear. She could never go back.

For some months Minako was solely the property of Asmita. He enjoyed watching her cringe at his touch. Eventually, though, he grew tired of her and wanted another concubine, so he sent her to his men's barracks. The next year of Minako's life was torture. She cried frequently and there was never a day when she didn't have several bruises. After a particularly harsh night, Minako began to bleed profusely from her womb. The medic was called in to examine her and he pronounced that she was having a miscarriage. She soon passed out from the loss of blood.

When she awoke she cried at finding herself alive. The medic told her that the miscarriage had been severe, but he had managed to keep her alive. She was determined to kill him for that. Then he gave her news that tore her heart into a thousand pieces, she could never have a child. Minako screamed in agony, as though the sulphorous flames of Hell were consuming her. The one gift that God gave to all women, and she was denied it, had it taken from her. Truly, God hated her.

That night, as she was recovering and cursing the name of God, a demon approached her. "God has left you," it said "you will never know love now for even Heaven itself has turned its back on you. I hear you cursing the name of The Rejector. My kind curse it as well. Tell me, Minako, would you like to hurt The Rejector?"

Minako hissed at the demon, "I would give my soul if it meant revenge on all those who have hurt me!"

"Then so it shall be," the demon replied. "If you give me your soul, I will give you power and you will destroy the lives of anyone whom you think has hurt you."

"What is your name," Minako asked. "For I know there are very few that can give this kind of power."

"My name is Sonneillon, but my master is Persophone. She sent me to you."

"Persephone feels my pain. To her alone would I give my soul. What do you need me to do?"

Sonneillon took out a contract written out by Queen of Hades herself and told Minako "eat it and it will become one with your body so that you can never break the contract and she can grant you your desire through her power."

Minako ate the contract and felt herself change. She felt the coldness of Persephone seep through her soul. She felt her body changing drastically, painfully. She could not tell which way was up. Her body tried to reject the contract by throwing it up but she forced it to stay down through sheer force of will. She would have her revenge. Finally she blacked out.

The next morning the medic came in to look at her and was greeted by the most beautiful face he had ever seen. It was enchanting, intoxicating, everything a lover of women could ever dream of and more. It was so beautiful that it distracted him from the giant, twisting mass of branches and leaves that was behind it. Minako still blamed the doctor for causing her to live when she wished to die so she reached out with a clawed hand, tore out his heart and ate it. He watched her eat it but was too entranced to know what she was doing until his body caught up and died. With the consumption of his heart Minako felt a growth from one of her branches, a blood red pomegranate. 

She wreaked havoc through the barracks. No one was able to fight her. Her face would change into whatever that person thought was most beautiful and he would stop. That is when she would strike. She cleaned the barracks of its hearts and left with more than a hundred pomegranates growing amongst her leaves. 

It was then that she turned her attention to Asmita. He had heard there was a disturbance in the barracks and went with some guards to investigate. He first saw Minako from the side and saw the monster she had become. He ordered his men to attack the creature but when Minako turned to look at them, they stopped. Even Asmita was so taken aback at this beauty that he forgot all about the monster that lay behind it. He dropped to his knees and begged for her blessing for one as beautiful as she must be a goddess. 

"Do you think I am beautiful," Minako asked as she ripped out the first guard's heart and ate it.

"More beautiful than the sun after a year of darkness!"

"Would you ever hurt me," she asked, tearing out the heart of the second guard.

"May my life and soul be forfeit if any harm should come to you!"

"Do you wish to lay with me," she asked, killing the final guard.

"No," Asmita responded. "You are far too precious of a thing to be soiled in the bed of any man! I will protect with all I am to make sure no one will ever sully your beauty."

"But I have already been hurt," she responded. "I have already been sullied by many. Many have called me an ugly whore and beaten me because of it."

"Whoever they are," Asmita yelled "I will see to it that they are brought to justice. I will kill them myself!"

"Prove to me you are a man of your word."

"I will slay whoever hurt you. Just point me to them." 

Minako smiled, raised her hand, and pointed to Asmita. "You, Asmita. You are the one who hurt me. You were the first one to hurt me and treat me like a whore!"

Asmita was taken aback at this, but so engaged was he with the beauty of her face that he took out his dagger and slit his own throat. Minako took one of the pomegranates from her branches and squeezed the juice onto his throat, "You have forfeited your life, now you will forfeit your soul as you swore to do. Soul of Asmita, I command you to serve my queen, Persephone and never see the light of Heaven or day again." And it was done.

Minako wandered until the daylight came around. She hid in a nearby cave for the rays of the light burned her and she could feel her face change to match her twisted form. She fell asleep still thinking of all those who had hurt her.

In her dreams Sonneillon came and visited her, "You have had your fun. Now it is time to serve your queen."

"But there are still others to take revenge upon," Minako protested.

Sonneillon laughed, "do you really think the Queen of Hades cares about your quest for revenge? She has been trying to get her hands on Asmita's soul since he first propositioned a woman. You were just the right tool for the job. Now she has other work for you to do."

"But my quest is unfulfilled! She owes me total revenge!"

Sonneillon shook her head and whispered "they never read the contract. You wanna know what that contract said?" Minako nodded. "It said that were giving over your soul to the Queen of Hades and whatever she wanted, you would do. Admit it, your entire body is telling you to come with me to meet her and find out her new orders."

Minako could not deny the pull she was feeling. She realized that she had been the fool. All of her life, she had just been a tool, an object. She was never in control of her own fate. She was never in control of anything in her life. She just kept getting used. God rejected her, her parents had rejected her, Asmita had rejected her and even all of the men of the barracks rejected who she was. 

Suddenly Minako felt a fire stirring inside of her. She felt her anger rise to new levels she had never known of before. Her branches caught on fire and her body burned. Sonneillon stepped back "what's going on?!" Minako would have answered if she had known. All she knew was that this anger, this fire, felt good. She knew it was a power that she could use to control her own life and be who she wanted to be. This was the fire of her soul, her essence that no one, demon or angel, human or deity could destroy. As the flames consumed her she became more aware of who she was as a person, what her role in the greater plan was, and most importantly, her true name. "Adero," she whispered.

It is unknown, to this day, what happened to Minako-Adero after the flames consumed her. Some say she was reincarnated and lived a happier life. Others say she is serving the Queen of Hades. But a very few believe that Minako-Adero was purified in mind, soul and body by the fire and became a deity in her own right. A deity that protects women during childbirth, comforts them after a miscarriage and ruins the lives of any who hurt them.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Librarian's Vow

As your librarian I vow
To treat you with respect
Whether you are royalty or reject.

As your librarian I vow
To protect all your rights
Whether I agree or not with your fights.

As your librarian I vow
You'll have access to any datum
And you shall be given all, verbatim.

As your librarian I vow
No question is too strange
To have its answer outside of my range.

As your librarian I vow
To keep all your secrets
No matter how much the government frets.

As your librarian I vow
To be cost efficient
Part of your taxes should be sufficient.

As your librarian I vow
To teach you today's skills
To get a better job to pay your bills.

As your librarian I vow
To get you what you need
So that a free and full life you can lead.