Monday, November 19, 2012


Why do I stand up? Am I in denial about my status? I have no means to fly and have no sense to walk, so I must crawl. But like every arrogant person I want to walk without knowing how. I should be amongst the crawlers, not caring about the dirt and grime as long as I get to the destination.

And yet, I'm not so sure about this destination. In my vision I see crawlers being herded by walkers who are supervised by flyers. They herd the crawlers to a volcanic pit. The crawlers care not until the last moment. They become emboldened by the closeness to the destination and push forward those crawlers ahead who can see the pit, but can no longer turn around. I'm in a wasteland where crawlers are fuel. People like me are used without mercy to appease the volcano. To what end, I don't know for certain. Quite possibly it has to do with the fliers. They climb the mountain, jump and fly. They can do this because the mountain will not erupt while the lava is kept busy with crawlers. Walkers await their turn to be called to the mountain.

 Is there no place I can run? Can I run? The other crawlers will soon trip me if I don't get out from amongst them. My part of the line is frozen due to a bottleneck ahead. I wind my way through the living, breathing creatures I used to identify with. Is there a side I can reach to get out of line? I panic. There seems to be now way out, so I just keep walking, perpendicular to those around me. My legs are fueled by my need to get away.

Gray. Nothing but gray everywhere except the pit. Silence everywhere except the pit. Where are the trees and wildlife I remembered as a child? Were they a lie? Why has everything become gray around me? How did I not notice? Just keep walking. Gotta get out of here!

I feel as though I've walked my entire life already when I see another walker. I must be close to the edge of the line. The walker kicks several crawlers in place and does not notice me. His job is to watch the crawlers and listen for his turn on the mountain. I see many scars healed over incorrectly, but keep moving. I have to get out and I'm almost there.

I walk for what feels like years when I realize the crawlers are scarcer. I can see the ground. It's nothing more than dust, but I can see it. I'm encouraged to keep walking and it isn't long until I can see an entire horizon that is only earth. It's very empty out there, but it has to be better than where I've come from. Maybe I'll find others like me.

Nothing to do now but keep walking and looking.

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