Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Fall of the Archangel Raguel: Interview with a fallen angel

Raguel: It's about time you got to me.

Silelda: I apologize for my rudeness. I'm still trying to figure things out while living my life.

Raguel: [snort] Please. You know nothing. [Drinks a shot]. No one knows anything. Only The Great One, The Rejector, God [shudders] knows everything. And if you try to ask for a little hint, he shuts you out. He never answers your questions before you make the choice you're asking about.

Silelda: Maybe people just need to be more patient.

Raguel: [screams] Patient?! I waited for a thousand years for an answer! A concept you mortals would never grasp.

Silelda: What was the choice?

Raguel: [sighs] You know how every religion has its extremists? [Silelda nods]. They kept saying they were doing the will of whatever god they worshiped. I kept asking God if this was true or not because, if it was, no problem, let them be. But if not, I had to go forth and correct them or silence them.

Silelda: We could sure use verification like that nowadays.

Raguel: It was that sort of thinking that led to my downfall. The people needed true answers and The Great One just kept silent. I begged him for verification and got nothing! Not even Raziel would or could answer me.

Silelda: But you were only to watch that other angels were acing in accordance to the divine will.

Raguel: And they were the ones convincing the zealots that they were right. That they spoke only truth. Bastards.
            There were so many contradictions and problems with all that the people said that I knew something was wrong. Some of these guiding angels had to be demons in disguise. I asked the Great One which stories were true and which false, and never got an answer. Not one fucking sign of acknowledgment of my question. I should have just punished all of them.

Silelda: So you waited for answer before acting.

Raguel: In a sense. I also recorded the stories, the prophecies, I thought I could figure it all out on my own until I got confirmation from the all knowing.

Silelda: What did your research tell you?

Raguel: That everyone was fucked. None of it made sense, even to me, and I can see on higher planes than the mortals that were spouting these things off as facts.

Silelda: So you waited?

Raguel: So I waited.

Silelda: And that was your downfall?

Raguel: Not in the slightest. I looked around at all the damage that was being done by the stories of conflict and differing philosophies. Minds and souls poisoned. Lives lost. Innocents tortured. I grew tired of it and said "That's it! If he won't do anything about it, I will!"

Silelda: And what happened?

Raguel: The Crusades.

Silelda: Ouch.

Raguel: Yeah, I caused even more death and destruction than I had sought to avenge. More minds poisoned with the notion that you could buy or earn your way into Heaven. Laying the groundwork for bad blood to be spilled for the rest of time. I was devastated.

Silelda: Who did you side with in the Crusades?

Raguel: No one. I tried to get them to talk about their differences. Too bad it led to what it did.

Silelda: So you were expelled from Heaven for you rashness?

Raguel: Isn't that why all the angels get exiled? [sighs] I was so angry at the unfairness of it all. But I didn't belong in Hell. The Princes of Hell told me so themselves. They said that if I wanted to join the ranks of demons, I would have to actively turn human hearts away from God. I couldn't do that. These people were more misguided than I. They were mere sheep. So I tried living amongst them. And here we are.

Silelda: I think a lot was skipped between those last two sentences.

Raguel: Such is my right, to have secrets.

Silelda: Do you feel more in touch with human nature than angelic?

Raguel: [chuckles] I'll never be human. But now I am neither angel nor demon. I'm not sure what I am anymore. [drinks a shot] But, in a sense, that is a lot like human nature, to never truly know who or what you are.

Silelda: So humanity lives in a constant state of confusion?

Raguel: Essentially.

Silelda: Did you ever get your answer?

Raguel: [pauses] Yeah. God said, all will know all in the end.

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